Question 15: Who wrote the Bible?
Answer: Holy men who were taught by God the Holy Spirit.
Hebrews 1:1
1 Peter 1:20-21
Acts 1:16
2 Timothy 3:16
1 Peter 1:10-11
The word for “taught by God the Holy Spirit” Spirit we use is the word Inspiration. This word means that the Bible is God’s Book containing all of God’s Words that He desires His people to have.
How many people did God inspire to write scripture? God used over 40 authors from various walks of life (some were farmers, shepherds, kings, and priests, fishermen and accountants, and one was even a doctor!) to write his words down so that we could have them and know him!
Can you name any of the men God chose to use to put down his words?
For more help teaching you can download or listen to
Hebrews 1:1-4 by Fighter Verse Songs.
Watch on Youtube, or listen on Spotify or iTunes.
Questions and answers from A Catechism for Boys and Girls by Erroll Hulse from Chapel Library.