Question 16: Who were our first parents?
Answer: Adam and Eve.
Genesis 2:18-25
Genesis 3:20
Genesis 5:1
Acts 17:26
1 Timothy 2:13
Why is the creation of Adam and Eve important? It shows us that God created us and all things.
Is it important to believe in Adam and Eve? Yes, because the Bible tells us through the story of Adam and Eve how sin entered the world and that through their sin every other person born after them was plunged into rebellion against God’s order. That includes you and every other human being you know. And this rebellion is also the reason we die today. Through Adam’s sin, death came into the world (Romans 5:12).
How can we know that this story is true? Because the Bible tells us so, and it is God’s word and God’s Word does not lie because God does not lie.
Answers in Genesis gives this list of reasons to believe the creation story:
Jesus affirms the special creation of Adam and Eve at the beginning (Mark 10:6).
Luke connects the human lineage of Jesus to Adam (Luke 3:38).
Jesus links the doctrine of marriage to Adam and Eve (Matthew 19:4–6).
Paul connects the doctrine of the church to Adam and Eve (Ephesians 5:30–32).
Paul argues for family order because of Adam and Eve (1 Corinthians 11:8–12).
Paul attaches the origin of sin in the world to Eve (1 Timothy 2:13–14).
Paul also connects death from sin to Adam (Romans 5:12–14). (1)
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Questions and answers from A Catechism for Boys and Girls by Erroll Hulse from Chapel Library.
List is taken from Adam and Eve from Answers in Genesis.