Question 12: Does God know all things?
Answer: Yes. Nothing can be hidden from God.
1 Chronicles 28:9
2 Chronicles 16:9
Luke 12:6, 7
Romans 2:16
Can we hide from God? [No.] Do we try sometimes? [Yes.] Why? [Because of our sin.]
Can God forget about us? [No.]
God knows all things. There is nothing he does not know perfectly at all times, and in all situations. God knows all things at all times and his knowledge is perfect. The word for God’s knowledge is omniscience.
Why does this matter? Because God knows all things at all times He knows our sin perfectly. We cannot hide anything from God no matter how hard we try.
For more help teaching you can download or listen to
God Omniscient, All Knowing by Matt Boswell
You can watch it on YouTube, or listen on Spotify or iTunes.
Questions and answers from A Catechism for Boys and Girls by Erroll Hulse from Chapel Library.