Pastor Dennis explores how God uses either Desperation or Desolation to bring us to him in this sermon based on Isaiah 27:21-22 & 29:10-14.
So why does revival matter? And what is Revival all about? Join Pastor Dennis as we continue to look at Nehemiah 1 and see that Revival is all about Him!
Pastor Dennis looks at the need for personal repentance in Nehemiah 1:5-11
Pastor Dennis begins our new sermon series on What is OneCry and why we need revival.
Prayer is an essential part of Revival. Our prayers are the catalyst God chooses to use to bring about revival and spiritual awakening. In this sermon, Pastor Dennis reminds us that God hears us and why and how we should pray for revival.
Nehemiah and the Israelites had spent 52 Days rebuilding the 3 mile long wall around Jerusalem. How did they do it? Today, Pastor Dennis will be looking at the power of ONE in his sermon "The Power of ONECry".
Belief is a key for revival to happen. In our sermon today, Pastor Dennis looks at Luke 9:23-25 and a father who cries out to Jesus for help in believing. Do we Believe that God will send revival?